Source code for ska.contrib.django.ska.tests.test_default_authentication_backend

import datetime
import logging
import time

import factories
import mock
import pytest
from django.core import mail
from import call_command
from django.test import Client, TransactionTestCase, override_settings

from ska import sign_url
from ska.contrib.django.ska import settings as ska_settings
from ska.contrib.django.ska.models import Signature
from ska.defaults import DEFAULT_PROVIDER_PARAM

from .helpers import log_info

__author__ = "Artur Barseghyan <>"
__copyright__ = "2013-2023 Artur Barseghyan"
__license__ = "GPL-2.0-only OR LGPL-2.1-or-later"
__all__ = ("SkaAuthenticationBackendTest",)

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


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[docs] @pytest.mark.django_db class SkaAuthenticationBackendTest(TransactionTestCase): """Tests for auth backend.""" pytestmark = pytest.mark.django_db
[docs] def setUp(self): self.AUTH_USER = "test_auth_backend_user" self.AUTH_USER_EMAIL = "" self.AUTH_USER_FIRST_NAME = "John" self.AUTH_USER_LAST_NAME = "Doe" self.PROVIDER_NAME = "client_1.admins" self.LOGIN_URL = "/ska/login/"
def __test_login( self, secret_key, response_codes, provider_name=None, logout=False, test_email_data=None, do_signature_check=True, auth_user=None, auth_user_email=None, debug_info="", ): """Test login. :param secret_key: :param response_codes: First response code is used :param provider_name: :param logout: :param test_email_data: :param do_signature_check: It's a tuple. The second code is used only if both `DB_STORE_SIGNATURES` and `DB_PERFORM_SIGNATURE_CHECK` values are True, which means that users can't use same signatures twice. :param auth_user: :param auth_user_email: :return: """ flow = [] if not auth_user: auth_user = self.AUTH_USER if not auth_user_email: auth_user_email = self.AUTH_USER_EMAIL first_response_code, second_response_code = response_codes # Testing signed URLs extra = { "email": auth_user_email, "first_name": self.AUTH_USER_FIRST_NAME, "last_name": self.AUTH_USER_LAST_NAME, } if provider_name: extra.update({DEFAULT_PROVIDER_PARAM: provider_name}) signed_login_url = sign_url( auth_user=auth_user, secret_key=secret_key, url=self.LOGIN_URL, extra=extra, ) self.assertIsNotNone(signed_login_url) flow.append(("Signed login URL", signed_login_url)) # Testing view with signed URL self._client = Client() response = self._client.get(signed_login_url, {}) response_status_code = getattr(response, "status_code", None) self.assertIn(response_status_code, (first_response_code,)) flow.append( ("Response status code for signed URL", response_status_code) ) if test_email_data: self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), len(test_email_data["emails"])) for _index, _subject in test_email_data["emails"].items(): self.assertEqual(mail.outbox[_index].subject, _subject) if logout: self.__logout() # If both `DB_STORE_SIGNATURES` and `DB_PERFORM_SIGNATURE_CHECK` # are set to True, second login attempt shall not be successful. if ( ska_settings.DB_STORE_SIGNATURES and ska_settings.DB_PERFORM_SIGNATURE_CHECK and do_signature_check ): # Testing again with signed URL and this time, it should fail self._client = Client() response = self._client.get(signed_login_url, {}) response_status_code = getattr(response, "status_code", None) self.assertIn(response_status_code, (second_response_code,)) flow.append( ( "Response status " "code for signed URL", response_status_code, ) ) if logout: self.__logout() return flow def __logout(self): """Log out.""" self._client.logout() @log_info def test_01_login(self): """Test auth using general ``SECRET_KEY``.""" return self.__test_login( ska_settings.SECRET_KEY, [302, 403], logout=True, debug_info="test_01_login", ) @log_info def test_02_provider_login(self): """Test auth using ``SECRET_KEY`` defined in ``PROVIDERS``.""" secret_key = ska_settings.PROVIDERS[self.PROVIDER_NAME]["SECRET_KEY"] # Authenticate for the first time. There shall be 2 emails # for `create` and `info` callbacks. self.__test_login( secret_key, [302, 403], self.PROVIDER_NAME, logout=True, test_email_data={ "emails": { 0: "Welcome validate::admins!", 1: "Welcome create::admins!", 2: "Welcome info::admins!", } }, debug_info="test_02_provider_login::first time", ) # Sleep for just one second between first and the second tests. time.sleep(1) # Authenticate for the second time. There shall be still 2 emails # from the first time login (since we're in the same test method # still) and 2 new ones for `get` and `info` callbacks. self.__test_login( secret_key, [302, 403], self.PROVIDER_NAME, logout=True, test_email_data={ "emails": { # First round 0: "Welcome validate::admins!", 1: "Welcome create::admins!", 2: "Welcome info::admins!", # Second round # TODO: this is weird. validate::admin shall not # appear here twice. 3: "Welcome validate::admins!", 4: "Welcome validate::admins!", 5: "Welcome get::admins!", 6: "Welcome info::admins!", } }, do_signature_check=False, debug_info="test_02_provider_login::second time", ) @log_info def test_03_login_fail_wrong_secret_key(self): """Fail test auth using general ``SECRET_KEY``. Fail test auth using general ``SECRET_KEY`` providing wrong secret key. """ return self.__test_login( ska_settings.SECRET_KEY + "wrong", [403, 403], logout=True, debug_info="test_03_login_fail_wrong_secret_key", ) @log_info def test_04_provider_login_fail_wrong_secret_key(self): """Fail test authentication. Fail test authentication using ``SECRET_KEY`` defined in ` `PROVIDERS``, providing wrong secret key. """ secret_key = ska_settings.PROVIDERS[self.PROVIDER_NAME]["SECRET_KEY"] return self.__test_login( secret_key + "wrong", [403, 403], self.PROVIDER_NAME, logout=True ) @log_info def test_05_provider_login_fail_wrong_provider(self): """Test provider login fail wrong provider. Fail test authentication using ``SECRET_KEY`` defined in ``PROVIDERS``, providing wrong provider name. """ secret_key = ska_settings.PROVIDERS[self.PROVIDER_NAME]["SECRET_KEY"] return self.__test_login( secret_key + "wrong", [403, 403], self.PROVIDER_NAME + "wrong", logout=True, debug_info="test_05_provider_login_fail_wrong_provider", ) @log_info @override_settings(**OVERRIDE_SETTINGS_DB_STORE_SIGNATURES_KWARGS) @mock.patch("ska.contrib.django.ska.settings.DB_STORE_SIGNATURES", True) @mock.patch( "ska.contrib.django.ska.settings.DB_PERFORM_SIGNATURE_CHECK", True ) def test_06_purge_stored_signatures_data(self): """Test purge stored signature data.""" secret_key = ska_settings.PROVIDERS[self.PROVIDER_NAME]["SECRET_KEY"] # Login self.__test_login( secret_key, [302, 403], self.PROVIDER_NAME, logout=True, debug_info="test_06_purge_stored_signatures_data", ) # Duplicate signatures signature = Signature.objects.first() = None signature.signature += "0" = None signature.signature += "0" # There should be 3 self.assertEqual(Signature.objects.all().count(), 3) # Manually set valid_until to no longer valid so that we can # test invalid_until = - datetime.timedelta(minutes=20) Signature.objects.update(valid_until=invalid_until) # Call purge command call_command("ska_purge_stored_signature_data") # All old records shall be gone self.assertEqual(Signature.objects.all().count(), 0) @log_info def test_07_provider_login_forbidden_email(self): """Test auth using ``SECRET_KEY`` defined in ``PROVIDERS``.""" secret_key = ska_settings.PROVIDERS[self.PROVIDER_NAME]["SECRET_KEY"] # Authenticate for the first time. There shall be 2 emails # for `create` and `info` callbacks. self.__test_login( secret_key, [403, 403], self.PROVIDER_NAME, logout=True, test_email_data={"emails": {}}, auth_user_email="", debug_info="test_07_provider_login_forbidden_email", ) @log_info def test_08_provider_login_forbidden_username(self): """Test auth using ``SECRET_KEY`` defined in ``PROVIDERS``.""" secret_key = ska_settings.PROVIDERS[self.PROVIDER_NAME]["SECRET_KEY"] # Authenticate for the first time. There shall be 2 emails # for `create` and `info` callbacks. self.__test_login( secret_key, [403, 403], self.PROVIDER_NAME, logout=True, test_email_data={"emails": {}}, auth_user="forbidden_username", debug_info="test_08_provider_login_forbidden_username", )